All Children Have Genius
Genius is not IQ!
All children have genius. The range of their abilities is so vast that there hasn’t been a test created that can accurately measure the intelligence and potential of an individual child.
Why then are children labeled as “learning deficient or disabled” based on these tests?
Why are children forced to meet standards of education that are not respectful of the different ways they learn and utilize knowledge?
True knowledge is not measured by a child’s ability to memorize rote facts but should take into consideration how those facts are manipulated and utilized in the pursuit of new ideas.
Genius is not I.Q. Genius is the ability of a person to follow their passions and seek out the knowledge and understanding they need to realize success in life.
Every child has genius and at the Genius Center parents will be empowered to look beyond standardized tests and help your child to question and explore their world in ways that are not measured with grades but that will help them to find their passion and define their personal success.
Next: Learn how to Discover your child's genius.